Homepage Function Explanation

Homepage Function Explanation

Feature Name
Feature Description
View bookings, check-ins, and related settings
Contact Us
Click to enter a conversation with the customer service team
New bookings, rescheduled booking, and cancellations are displayed here
Search Bar
Enter booking number or country code + phone number to search for bookings
Redeem Icon
Use the six-digit redeem code to redeem bookings
Flash Sale
If the you has remaining slots for the day that they want to sell at a discount, you can create flash sales.
*Please note: Flash sale are not applicable to packages without prices.
And FunNow Booking (SaaS) is not a platform. Therefore, Flash sale packages do not have additional exposure slots available.

Add Booking
Add new phone and walk-in bookings
Pause availability and times the merchant cannot accommodate
Recent Bookings
View upcoming booking information
All Bookings
View booking details for specific dates
Time Span
Divide each day into four time span for easy booking verification
· Early morning (00:00 - 05:59)
· Morning (06:00 - 11:59)
· Afternoon (12:00 - 17:59)
· Evening (18:00 - 23:59)
Reservations Per Time Slot
Customers Per Time Slot
For dining merchant, you can view the number of bookings and reservations per day / per time slot.
For non-dining merchant, you can view the number of bookings per day / per time slot.

Booking Card
You can view the following details on the booking card:
1. Booking time
2. Booking status
3. Booking channel
· My Site - Customers complate booking online
· Phone - phone bookings manually added by the merchant
· Walk-in - Walk-in bookings manually added by the merchant
4. Customer's name
5. Number of customers per booking (Exclusive to restaurant merchant Customers)
6. Number of booking per package
7. Tag
· Purchase Rate - Quickly distinguish whether the consumer is new or repeat based on visit frequency
8. Merchant/Customer Notes
9. Payment Status of Booking
10. Service Availability for Booking

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